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bookmark_borderSupercompensation – Proper training timing

Big word, simple meaning.  The term supercompensation refers to your body’s ability to advance its fitness levels over time.  The chart explains this best.  You start at a base level of fitness.  As you train, your base level of fitness decreases due to fatigue from the workout.  After the workout is over, your body goes into a recovery phase where it repairs itself.  NOW, this is the most important part; during the recovery phase your body then goes into supercompensation, where it is compensating for the fatigue you placed on it from the previous workout, and the body will surpass your original baseline of fitness.  It is at this time when you need to train again to further your base line for fitness and improvements.  If you miss this supercompensation point, you are essentially starting from exactly where you left off with ZERO improvements.  Generally, it takes about 24-48hrs for the body to properly recover and reach this supercompensation phase.  So the take away message for this is that if you are working out and have a goal, you need to be CONSISTENT!  If you are training random days of the week and with too much rest days in between training sessions, you are just going in circles.  Make sure your routine is consistent and has set times and days so you can really gauge your improvements over time.