Have you ever been in a fight? Well, it’s time for you to go start a fight!!
Hey, I’m not a fighter, I’m a lover. But, everyone needs an “enemy.” Everyone needs a ‘reason’.
So it’s time for you to lace up and pick a fight. No, no… Please don’t take a swing at your partner tomorrow morning for not doing the dishes. Stay with me here!
Luke had Darth Vader.
Batman had the Joker.
David has Goliath.
The right wing conservatives have the left wing liberals.
“Independent” coffee lovers have Starbucks.
Healthy eating has McDonald’s.
You get the point.
An enemy gives you a reason to fight. Having to fight and facing adversity, challenges your skills and character.
It forces you to showcase your talents and capabilities to “win” the fight.
In fact, without a “fight,” or without purpose, what happens? You become complacent. You become “comfortable.” The drive and the “fire” is almost non-existent.
You lose purpose and passion. You’ve probably heard the saying or had the thought “there’s nothing to fight for anymore.”
Maybe it’s a personal thing. There comes a point with your body that after years of feeding it bad and unhealthy foods, you ultimately think there’s no hope. You’ve gained so much weight and feel so lethargic, it must be impossible to get out of this sinkhole — success has become so far out of your reach, there’s no hope or no reason to try for success.
You’re so out of shape, walking up the stairs becomes a task. Bending over to pick up your new born may as well be like picking up a boulder. You get what I’m saying?
And that’s why you have to find an enemy and pick a fight!
Let’s find some butt for you to kick…
Example: For me, I try to inspire greatness in people. I want to help people to live healthy, feel incredible, be happy and accomplish things they never thought possible.
My enemy?
Fast food. Easy Street. Laziness. Lack of discipline. Packaged foods. Deceptive Marketing. Quick fixes. Overhyped promises. Lack of passion. Mediocrity. Pessimism, etc.
But you can’t put a Big Mac in the ring and try to drop kick it.
Give your enemy a face.
What’s your “enemy?”
So you want to ignite your passions and drive again? Find an enemy, pick a fight, and overwhelm your enemy till they are CRUSHED!
Let me help you…. Can your life be healthier, happier, and overall much “better” than it is right now?
Hey, maybe it’s yourself whom you aren’t happy with.
Take out an old picture of yourself and put it on the refrigerator door if there was a time when you were happier with how you looked and how you felt. After all, there’s no better judge of you than you.
I’m not saying to get caught up in how you used to look and feel — that’s not it at all. But get fired up about what change you want to make and move towards improvement!
Then, (THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART) put up images surrounding that old image of what diminished your happiness and good looks.
Your ‘enemy’ or ‘enemies’ will be in plain view to get you fired up. Ignite a little heat under that backside and let’s “fight against the negative enemy” together.