BUSTED: Look, training longer is not synonyms with training harder. If one person walks 1 mile in 20 min and another person runs 1 mile in 8 minutes, who do you think exerted more energy? The answer is obvious, the person who ran 1 mile in 8 minutes clearly exercised with a increased level of intensity and with out a doubt burnt more calories than the other guy!
Same goes for the person who lifted weights intensely for 45 minutes as opposed to the person who lifted weights for 2 hours.
Your body is a well oiled machine and if you think you can out-smart it, you are wrong!
There are a multitude of immediate physiological responses to high intensity training that are just not present in moderate, longer exercising routines.
There are numerous studies that show how more intense exercise for shorter periods of time is more effective at burning fat than long, drawn out routines.
And look, I know what you might be thinking now… You are thinking I am telling you to go do HIIT training or some sort of crazy, intense routine. Nope.
What I am saying is maybe your routine can be shortened by a few minutes to give it the extra “edge.”
So if your routine is 1 hour and you have a set amount of exercises you need to complete, challenge yourself to finish the routine in 45min with the same amount of exercises you’d perform in the 1 hour.
I can guarantee that you will burn more fat and see faster results doing this for 1 month as opposed to your older, slower routine!