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bookmark_borderJuicing Truth – Stop Looking for the Quick Fix!

Fruits and Veggies juicing truthJuicing this, fruit juice that, is wheat grass good? should I have juice for breakfast? Should I do a juice cleanse to lose weight faster? I don’t like fruits and veggies, can I just drink juice?

Lately I have gotten a huge influx of questions regarding juicing, fruit juices, vegetable juices, and all of the above.  Look, the first thing I am going to tell you is, if you are looking at juicing as your ‘miracle cure’ for weight loss or getting your fruits and veggies into your diet, you better think again.  Juicing seems to have become more of a multi-million dollar marketing fad instead of accommodating a nutritious diet. Your key to successful fitness results is knowledge, so I think it is important for you to know the facts and myths surrounding juicing.

So why does anyone like juicing in the first place? Because it is easy? Because it is convenient? Because it tastes good? Because its supposed to be healthy? It already sounds to me like your are trying to take ‘easy street’ to health and fitness.

First, juicing does have its benefits.  If you are not one who enjoys eating fruits and veggies throughout the day, you can get a plentiful amount of the nutrients and minerals you need in one glass of juice.  Ill tell you the truth, sometimes I make myself a nice kale, carrot, ginger, parsley, and apple juice with my lunch because it tastes good and I get some nutrients. But, the bottom line is, I don’t rely on that juice as my sole source of fruits and veggies for the day.  I still have more throughout the day and week. Let me explain this further…

When you juice, the juicing machine extracts the juice from whole fruits or vegetables. The processing results in fewer vitamins and minerals, because the nutrient-rich skin is left behind. Juicing also removes the pulp, which contains fiber. Fiber is a HUGE factor in fruits and veggies because it keeps you full as well as helps proper digestion.  Why not just use a blender instead of a juicer you ask? Well, you can, but its not going to be quite as enjoyable as the juice version, which is partially the reason you are drinking it in the first place.  To much rind and seeds will be in it, and without enough water, you end up with baby food puree instead of an enjoyable drink.

Second, as with anything you put into your mouth, you have to be conscious of the calorie count. If it’s one thing I tell all my clients to avoid like the plague, it is to avoid liquid calories.  While you don’t have to worry about the caloric intake as much with veggie juice, you need to pay more attention to fruit juices. Vegetables are very nutritious and don’t have many calories to begin with (eat more veggies!), but its fruit counterpart contains a lot of sugar, and sugar means calories.  As I said above, you lose a lot of the necessary fiber in juice, especially with fruit.  What you may end up with instead is a minimally nutritious, high in calorie, sugar cocktail.  Your healthy fruit juice can contain 300-800 calories depending if you make it yourself or if you buy it somewhere.  Thinking about a healthy fruit smoothie perhaps? Forget about it.

Third, juicing for weight loss and cleansing has become one of the biggest fads in the past decade. Many people claim to loose ridiculous amounts of weight with juicing alone and even make claims about cancer reducing effects.  While those claims are highly speculative, I will uncover the secret behind what is making you lose weight and get healthier.

I can make an educated guess that most of you out there don’t have an immaculate diet and probably don’t get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet in the first place.  So one day, you saw or heard about juicing on a day time talk show, or heard about it from your best friend and the ‘miracles’ it has on your health. So you decide to try it, and hey guess what, it worked! You lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks and feel like you have more energy than ever! Congrats!

I just want to make one thing EXTREMELY clear.  ANY positive change to an existing unhealthy and inconsistent diet will have a positive effect.  I mean, think about it… if you are eating bad for months and years, and then all of the sudden, introduce a drastic positive change, of course it will positively effect your body and health!  The bottom line is, don’t just attribute it to juicing. Attribute your results to making a positive change for something (ie. fruits and veggies) that should have been a part of you diet in the first place.

Fourth, a lot of people ask me if it is good to have juice for breakfast or juice before a morning workout. Protien and a banana  So, my answer to the juice in the morning before your workout. . . sorry, but scrap the idea.  Look, be honest with yourself for a second… Are you serious about getting leaner muscles and a tighter stomach? Then what you should be having is 1 scoop of whey protein mixed with water and 1 whole banana, and don’t turn the two into a smoothie, eat them separate.  You are far better off with this combo in your journey to weight loss and tighter muscles as this 1, 2 combination gives you the most bang for your buck! Protein for your muscles, and carbs for your energy.

Remember, juicing does have its benefits, but don’t rely on juicing solely as your ‘miracle’ to weight loss. Be conscious of what you are putting into your body, and ask yourself “maybe a small fruit salad with lunch and a leafy green salad with dinner would solve my lack of fruit and veggies?” And don’t forget, positive changes are GOOD, just make sure you are making those decisions for the right reasons, and not just for the quick fix.

bookmark_borderYour fitness goals happen 24/7!!

Lets jump right into this.  Lets say you are new to working out and you start your routine with 3 days per week with 1 hour workouts.  EXCELLENT WORK!  You’ve already completed half the battle by just getting off the couch or out of the office chair to get a workout in!  And lets say you burn about 250-400 calories in a light to moderate weight training/functional training session.  Honestly, you are doing great so far.  But now is where  you really need to stop and think about your time spent working out and if your are really maximizing your ability to attain your fitness goals.  You are working out 3 hours per week out of the 168 hours in the week.  In reality, only 1.7% of your time is spent working out!! Let me say that again, ONLY 1.7% OF YOUR TIME! So the real question here is, what are you doing with the other 98.3% of your time in the week to lose that weight or gain that muscle!?  What this really boils down to is your lifestyle choices.  Are you dieting correctly?  Are you getting proper sleep? Do you drink alcohol and/or smoke? Do you party or stay out to late?  Are you really in this for the long haul?  These questions are crucial to ask yourself if you are serious about hitting your fitness goals.  And ask yourself, ARE you serious about this?  Look, weight loss and muscle building doesn’t happen over night and is not an easy task.  If it was easy, America probably would not have an obesity problem.  Listen, you don’t have to become a fitness fanatic or lock yourself in a gym to get results, you just have to be willing to make certain changes in your lifestyle choices in order to get those abs that you want or those arms to be admired.  So keep up the hard workouts!  Believe me, those calories burnt and that muscular fatigue is all going to be worth it!  Just remember that this fitness game is a 24 hour, 7 day a week process.

bookmark_borderLearn how to diet CORRECTLY!

The Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Paleo diet, Baby food diet, The clean program, The Blood Type diet, The Cookie diet, The lemonade cleanse diet.  The list of Fad diets, aka “crash diets” goes on and on.

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you haven’t fallen victim to one of these ridiculous diets. In general, they are all gimmicks that are designed to give you an answer for a “quick fix” or immediate weight loss that fail to hit the mark and can even be dangerous for you.

In the meantime, I would like to discuss with you the SIMPLICITY of correct dieting.

First, I have been training and dieting myself for many years now.  I am conscious of EVERY single thing I eat and if my workout routine makes my muscles bigger or smaller. I have been doing this to achieve an certain physique or image of myself that to me represents the “perfect body.”

But here’s the thing, and its a BIG thing. . . That’s me.

It’s not you

Everyone one else would generally be happy if they lost a few pounds, or dropped a few pant sizes or even built a little muscle.  The vast majority of people don’t even want to look like super built, muscular men and women!

So, instead of being enticed by some sort of extreme diet with promises of making you look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club, follow a diet protocol that works for YOU!

The best part is, I’m about to tell you what to do that is so incredibly easy that I promise it can make anyone lose weight, ANYONE!

All you have to do is… count your calories!!

That’s it.  There is no gimmick here.  Just the truth.  And I think the truth is actually sometimes the problem for losing weight. . .

A lot of people are afraid of the truth, afraid of the simplicity of it, or afraid to admit that you ACTUALLY know what to do already!  You tell yourself, “it can’t be this easy.”

So instead you opt for the newest fad diet because somewhere it said it had the NEWEST WEIGHT LOSS SECRET for losing weight!

Well people, good thing you have someone like me to tell you the truth.

So for the average person who sees dieting as this daunting task, simply counting calories in order to REDUCE the amount of calories you consume, can be the easiest and safest way to go!

Think of this as an introduction to nutrition.

If I, the trainer, go to you who has really no idea what dieting and nutrition is and suddenly bombard you and say, “OK, no more sweets, no more bread, no pasta.  Only brown rice and chicken.”  You will ultimately do this for a week and then just give up because it was way to difficult.

As somebody new to the lifestyle, I cannot expect you to automatically live the way I do just because in my mind it is easy for me, so it should be easy for you too.

You have to crawl before you can walk.  It is as simple as that.

Then, once you have the counting of the calories down pat, then you can move on to counting the macro nutrients you eat (carbs, fats, protiens).

The process goes on and on till you have a full grasp of correct dieting and all along the way you are losing weight!

Now you know how simple it really is.  There are no secrets or magical diets.  Don’t you think if there were, everyone would be skinny?

Stop falling for the mass commercialized fad diets and START doing what makes sense for YOU!