BUSTED: Actually, it is quite the opposite. Deadlifts are probably one of the single greatest exercises one can preform to STRENGTHEN the lower back! About 2/3 of American suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives. In fact, many people seem to forget that the movement of the deadlift is one of the most dynamic movements you do throughout the course of your day. At some point, we all bend down to pick up something heavy right? Well, the exercises is one of those things in the gym that can apply to real life.
The exercise always get a bad wrap because people are CONSTANTLY doing it with improper form. If done correctly, it will strengthen your erector spinae, which essentially holds your spine in place! It also incorporates other muscles such as the lats, traps, biceps, rear deltoids, quadriceps, hamstring, abdominals and core, and calfs. This is without a doubt, a full body exercise.
SOLUTION: Find someone or a trainer who can show you proper form on the exercise! Or just YouTube it!
Guys: Let go of your ego for a second and decrease the weight till you get your form right! It would be better for you to do 5 reps with a moderate weight perfectly, than to do 10 reps with heavy weight terribly and dangerously.
Girls: Don’t let the “man” exercises scare you. For women, this can be one of the best exercises to tone your butt and back of your legs. Just start with a lighter weight, and increase the weight over time as you get better and more comfortable with the movement.