FALSE: There is no such thing as spot reduction in either men or women. If you have a higher percentage of body fat and are unable to see significant definition of your obliques (or any muscle group), doing side bends is not going to burn the fat any faster. Yes, you will probably strengthen the muscle group. And you will strengthen any muscle group that you put resistance on and include a periodized workout. However, if you want to lose the fat on your belly, it comes down to correct dieting and a proper routine to insure loss of body fat and increase muscular definition. If you predominantly concerned with fat loss, then you may want to include more aerobic exercises (carido) in your routine. When you decrease your body fat, you decrease it from your entire body, not just one spot. In fact, the last place to lose body fat is usually the midsection, hips, and thighs. Stick with a solid diet and routine, and you will get the desired body you want in ALL SPOTS.