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bookmark_borderCheating!! – Is bad!

Cheating is not a good thing….

Cheating on your relationship is bad, and so is cheating on your diet….

But I already know what you are thinking, “How can you possibly put the two in the same category!? They aren’t even close?!”

Well, they may be more relateable than you think, based on the impact it will have on your life!


Us humans are actually more simplistic than we think.  A lot of the things we do on a daily basis, we do because we get pleasure from it. Rarely do we think of the consequences of our actions, because we become so entrenched in the near euphoric feeling of the moment, anddd that we just might get away with our actions!….WRONG!!  Cheating will almost always come back to haunt you…

The problem is that once you cheat, your mind tells you that it is okay on occasion because nothing was there to stop you.  So now you end up telling yourself its Ok to do it because you didn’t get caught and there was no detrimental after effect….WRONG AGAIN!

There is a good chance that your pleasure induced, cheating rampage will come to an end; most likely with extreme consequences….here are some examples….

Cheating on your Relationship


Cheating on your Diet

Cheating on diet 4

Cheating on your Relationship

CHeating 3

Cheating on your Diet

Cheating on diet 3

Cheating on your Relationship

Cheating 1

Cheating on your Diet


Cheating on your Relationship

Cheating 2

Cheating on your Diet

Cheating on diet

Cheating on your relationship

Brad pit cheating

Cheating on your Diet

cheating on diet 1

Cheating on your relationship

bill clinton cheating

Cheating on your diet


The bottom line is, cheating is bad!  Oh, and how is cheating on your relationship similar to cheating on your diet?

In both scenarios you will probably end up feeling slightly guilty for you actions; not to mention, they both have life changing consequences!   You can lose half the assests of all of your belongings in a divorce or you can end up needing double bypass heart surgery because of your poor food choices!!

Stop cheating! Its not doing you any good!

Stay healthy and strong


bookmark_borderTop 7 Cleansing Fruits and Veggies

“What cleansing fruits are out there to help with my bloated uncomfortable stomach?”
This time of year it seems that everyone is eating more because of the holidays.

And you can bet that at some point your going to feel as if the top button on your pants is going to burst because you ate to much of Aunt Jones homemade pumpkin pie.

Now is the time to go to your healthy grocery store and invest in some healthy cleansing foods.  You can make these foods a regular part of your diet AND eat them 1 – 2 days continuously after your food binge.

Here are the top 7 Cleansing Fruits and Veggies You DIDN’T Know About

7) Prunes


Prunes are’t just for your grandma and grandpa.  They are an excellent choice when it comes to keeping your system clean and healthy.  They have can help with lowering your cholesterol, balancing blood sugar levels, and aiding in digestion and intestinal regularity.  They are rich in vitamin c, fiber, and polyphenols that will aid in regular bowl movements and keep your intestinal flora in check!





6) Figs


Figs are a great source of potassium which is essential to keeping your body properly hydrated.  They are deliciously sweet, yet are also high in fiber which makes them a perfect choice to keep your intestines clean of all “junk food.” In addition, they contain a nutrient called sorbitol, which is a natural laxative.  It is also present in prunes.




5) Spinach


One of the first “superfoods”, its benefits range from supplying adequate sources of vitamins and minerals to the body; too helping fighting cancer.  It is one of a few foods whose macro nutrient content is predominantly protein.  It also helps balance the acidy v. alkalinity of the body.  Because of its superior nutrient content, this is one of the best leafy green choices you can make when it comes to cleanses and keeping your body healthy in general.



4) Kale


Another powerful leafy green that could battle spinach for its position on this list.  It abundant in almost all the same nutrients as spinach. One cup of chopped kale contains 33 calories and 9% of the daily value of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a whopping 684% of vitamin K.  This definitely makes it another super food.  As a leafy green, it is also high in fiber and polyphenols that aid in proper and more frequent bowl movements.



3) Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

Berries 2

All are high-fiber berries, making them an asset to your digestive system. They also contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and a large portion of the USDA-recommended daily requirement of vitamin C. However, the fiber content of these berries diminishes when they are juiced, so eating whole berries will provide the most digestive system benefits.  The beauty of these berries is the convenience.  Simply put them atop your oatmeal or grab a handful out the door.




2) Pineapple


Just had a big meal of meats and high in proteins?  Well, pineapple can aid in that stuffed belly of yours.  First, pineapple (as most fruits) is rich in vitamin c which is excellent for your immune system.  It doesn’t contain as much fiber as some of the other items on this list, but it make up for it by containing digestive enzymes.  Pineapple is rich in Bormelain, a digestive enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins and helps fight inflammation.  This enzyme breaks down the bonds of amino acids quickly which will result in better intestinal intake of proteins.



1) Papaya


This can absolutely be touted a super fruit. This tropical fruit is bursting with vitamin C – just one cup gives you more than you need each day. On top of this, papaya is also a good source of vitamins A and E.  The beta-carotene as well as the lycopene found in papaya have had studies done to show its cancer fighting abilities against cancer cells.  In addition, papaya also contains the digestive enzyme papain.  From the family of protease enzymes, like bromelain, it greatly aids in the digestion of proteins by quickly breaking down the bonds of amino acids.


bookmark_border7 Foods You think are Healthy that are NOT!

Healthy vs. Unhealthy; it’s a constant battle. Eat this, don’t eat that; fat-free, diet, low sodium, high in fiber, natural…the list goes on and on. As  a society we’ve been misled with these simple terms listed above and have used them as a excuse to lets say, eat “less than healthy”. Of course we are smart enough to know that a bag of Doritos or a Krispy Kreme donut is unhealthy & that a pomegranate Snapple is far from a super-food. But what about the less obvious choices that we’ve come to associate with being healthy due to the fact of misleading terms and fad diets? Below is a list of 7 foods that most people associate with healthy eating for one reason or another, but i’m here to tell you that you’ve been eating in a fool’s paradise.

7. Restaurant salads 

unhealthy-salad Ah, the Salad: So common, “I’m on a diet, I’ll just order the salad.” STOP RIGHT There! Most salad options at restaurants are laden with fatty mayo based dressings with add-ons that include croutons, candied nuts, bacon bits, etc. All those additional add-ons make this once healthy choice into a meal of 700 plus calories. This is absolutely short of a diet. Still want that salad? Well here is a healthy alternative for you to choose. Be conscious of what you are putting on your salad. Opt for Oil & balsamic vinegar on the side, add tuna or chicken to get more protein, and even add cooked edamame for more fiber. Your waistline will thank you for those 300-400 calories you saved by eliminating those “diet killers.”

6. Trail Mix

Unhealthy trail mix One of the quickest and easiest things you can grab on the go if you are in the mood for a snack.  Advertised as healthy and hearty, in most cases it’s packed with a wallop of calories in just an ounce or two.  And although healthy trail mix is possible as to where it just contains mixed nuts, dark chocolate bits, and dried apricots; most trail mixes that are sold or consumed have candy pieces, yogurt-covered raisins, fried banana chips, and candied nuts.  One small handful can run you up as much as 300 calories, which actually can be acceptable, however, it don’t know many people (myself included) who can buy a small bag of something and only eat a quarter of it when its right in our face!  Your healthy snack can easily add 600-1000 more calories from sugars, trans fat, and refined carbohydrates to your diet!

5. Granola 

Unhealthy granola Whole grains, oats, dried fruit. There can’t possibly be anything unhealthy about it.  Except for REFINED SUGAR & FAT THAT IS!! Typically a serving size of granola is about ¼ cup, barely enough for one person. That ¼ cup is filled with sugars and fat. The “healthier” brands will run you 150-200 calories per serving.  So lets assume you are just eye balling the serving size and incidentally pour 3/4 – 1 cup of granola (which is what most people do), you end up with 600-800 calories in sugar and fat. Oh, and lets not forget the milk we add to the bowl. NO Thank You. Still want that cereal or something crunchy? Go to the store and get natural ingredients to make your own granola or opt for a more macro nutrient compliant cereal.  And yes, there are some granola’s and cereals out there that are acceptable. When in doubt read the nutritional label!

4. Fat-Free sweets/snacks 

Fat-Free-Candy Fat free snacks do not equal calorie free. In this day and age most people are trying to live healthier and eat better but still want to live that “fast” food lifestyle with quick fixes you could say. Fat free this, fat free that. Well, just because it says fat free dose not make it healthy. Fat is essentially has gives a lot of foods their taste.  So to compensate for the lack of taste, sugar is added to sweeten things up!  So what you get is a fat-free, sugary and calorie dense snack.

3. Frozen Yogurt 

frozen yogurt bad for you Frozen yogurt seems to be the better choice than good ol’ fashioned ice cream.  And as far as the fat content that would generally come from whole milk in ice cream, frozen yogurt is in fact minimal in fat.  But, in terms of the calories and sugars, its closer to ice cream than you think.  Just like the fat free snacks, this is one is a culprit of misleading information. And lets not forget the loads of sugary and fat laden toppings that most of us add to the yogurt.  When its all said and done, you essentially have a bowl full of sugar with the amount of calories of a Big Mac!

2. Muffins 

blueberry-muffins-2 So breakfast isn’t your thing; kids, busy schedule…I get it, sometimes its just easier to grab & go. And whats one of the most “healthy” choices. MUFFINS! Well you may as well have grabbed a donut instead. Most store bought bran muffins hold up to 800 calories of pure sugar & fat. Talk about your muffin top! If sitting down breakfast is still not your thing, or you still don’t have the time, then try this easy morning alternative: Try a slice of whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter or a piece of fruit with a small handful of unsalted nuts.

1. “Healthy” Smoothies 

smoothie-photos Delicious; yes. Filling; maybe. Healthy; NO. This so called healthy choice for an on the go meal or even worse, a post workout drink (Ill elaborate on that more another time) can easily hold up to 600-1200 calories. In most cases, people order the large size thinking that they are getting a healthy size portion of fruit, but in reality all they are getting is added simple sugars.  In fact, this smoothie can be worse in total calories than most other fast food burgers and sandwiches.  You want a healthy smoothie?  Make a custom order.  Ice, 1/4 cup water, 1 banana, 1/4 cup sugar free almond milk, 2 packets splenda.  You can add some protein powder for additional muscle building fuel!