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bookmark_borderHow to Recover from the Holiday Food Binge

recover from bigne eating






1. Forgive yourself

The key to getting back on track is to forgive yourself and move forward. It’s the holidays and you can bet everyone over-indulges at this time of year, so you are not alone. It’s over and done with now, so get back to your healthy ways.

2. Drink more than enough water

Drinking water is a huge necessity post-binge because it will help cleanse your body of all the huge portions of food you just put in it. The fluids are needed to flush out your system and leave you feeling 10 times better.

3. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies

Chances are you probably didn’t have much fiber yesterday and all that digested food is still sitting in your stomach. Fruits and veggies are high in fiber and will help you go to the bathroom to clean out your system. Fruits such as berries, papaya, pineapple, figs, prunes, mango, and apricots also have digestive enzymes to further your cleanse. Also eat leafy dark greens such as spinach, kale and beets (red ones) to further enhance your cleanse.

4. Don’t starve yourself

Though it would seem like it would make sense not to eat after eating so much, it’s a terrible idea. Skipping meals after a binge will just lead to more binge eating on leftovers and you being hungrier later in the day. Have your regularly scheduled meals, however, just eat more (or only) fruits and veggies to help clean you out.

5. Get back on track

Don’t use this as an excuse to lose all hope and abandon your healthy ways. It’s just one day. Get back on track immediately with your healthy eating and workout routine. This is a sure fire way to relieve the guilt of eating so bad and will make your feel slim and fit yet again!