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Top 3 Reasons America is FAT

I am sure that by now it is no new news that America has an obesity problem.  A staggering 35.7% of American adults are obese and 17% of children and adolescents ages 2-19 are obese.  This is almost DOUBLE that of what is was in 1990 where states only had obesity rates no higher than 14%.  Check it out HERE.  In light of this trend over the past 20 years it is a potential that the obesity problem can become an epidemic in this country.  I have narrowed down a list of the Top 3 reasons for the obesity problem in America…

#3  Massive Advertising and Marketing


Corporate companies spend millions of dollars every year in an attempt to sell you their “superior health product”.  They put fancy, colorful labeling and big bold catch words that immediately catch your eye.  ORGANIC AND LOW-FAT.  8 WHOLE GRAINS PER SERVING! I mean, it sounds pretty good right?  The problem is, you as the consumer may not know any better, and corporate companies capitalize on this (check out my article on LOW FAT).  Furthermore, the healthy foods that these companies usually are marketing are highly processed foods such as cereals, candies, snack foods, microwave dinners, frozen pizzas, deli meats… the list goes on.  The advertising of less expensive, “healthy” foods is usually the sales point for most people.  Save money and be healhty, perfect!  However, you will be shelling out a lot more money on medical bills in the future if you had just spent a few more bucks on lean meat and veggies in the past.

#2 Fast Food

fast food

This has become one of the most prominent and visible food attractions in America.  If you think corporate companies are spending millions on cereal boxes, then they are spending even more to get you to go through their drive-thru for dinner and call it a night!  Fast food is visible, easy, cheap, and convenient.  I mean, they have everything you can want if you are on the go.  Hell of a marketing tactic.  But the truth remains; by eating fast food, you are just doing an extraordinary disservice to your body and health.  Fast food contains little to no nutritional value, a ton of added salt (sodium) and preservatives, trans fat, sugars and refined flours.  These foods are heavy in poor calories, and by that I mean the protein, fat, and carbohydrates are of poor quality. The food is also so inexpensive because it is very cheap to massively produce.  You think that’s chicken in your nuggets?! Guess again.  All of the said things are detrimental to your health over time and not limited to heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, and to top the cake…obesity, which actually leads to the previous problems.  Too many people just opt for the easy way out with food and are just… what seems to be lazy.  Whether it is due to mass advertising or fast food being extremely visible, it comes down to my #1 reason. . .

#1 Misinformation

truth lies

We have become a society and leaders of disinformation.  Sure, there is always great information on TV and in magazines and even websites like this one!  The problem is, the average person knows so little about correct eating habits, it is very difficult to apply the most basic parts of nutrition to day to day life.  It is due the above reasons of your favorite and “trusted” enterprises giving you what you think is the correct path for health and nutrition, and you FOLLOW IT; because you simply don’t know any other way.  The average person in this country would think that if they have to start dieting, it means they have to follow some sort on name brand diet (Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers) when in reality the term diet just mean the foods you are consuming.  Go ask someone to tell you to name 5 individual foods that are high in fat; you’ll probably be surprised to hear the answers.  I mean, that is if YOU know the answers yourself!   It seems that our nutritional knowledge has become so skewed and misguided that it has lead the country to having an obesity problem.  In the end, the real culprit is the individual.  We all have minds of our own and need to learn to be conscious of our habits and decisions when it comes to dieting and health.   The real question to ask now is, what if we had or were given the truth and real knowledge about nutrition and the food we eat?  Would we follow this golden advice or just continue with our ways?  I would hope we follow it, but still most people would just opt for the easy fix of fast food, frozen pizza, or 32oz sodas.  And when its all said and done, it is just sheer laziness to not try and make a change.

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