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Your fitness goals happen 24/7!!

Lets jump right into this.  Lets say you are new to working out and you start your routine with 3 days per week with 1 hour workouts.  EXCELLENT WORK!  You’ve already completed half the battle by just getting off the couch or out of the office chair to get a workout in!  And lets say you burn about 250-400 calories in a light to moderate weight training/functional training session.  Honestly, you are doing great so far.  But now is where  you really need to stop and think about your time spent working out and if your are really maximizing your ability to attain your fitness goals.  You are working out 3 hours per week out of the 168 hours in the week.  In reality, only 1.7% of your time is spent working out!! Let me say that again, ONLY 1.7% OF YOUR TIME! So the real question here is, what are you doing with the other 98.3% of your time in the week to lose that weight or gain that muscle!?  What this really boils down to is your lifestyle choices.  Are you dieting correctly?  Are you getting proper sleep? Do you drink alcohol and/or smoke? Do you party or stay out to late?  Are you really in this for the long haul?  These questions are crucial to ask yourself if you are serious about hitting your fitness goals.  And ask yourself, ARE you serious about this?  Look, weight loss and muscle building doesn’t happen over night and is not an easy task.  If it was easy, America probably would not have an obesity problem.  Listen, you don’t have to become a fitness fanatic or lock yourself in a gym to get results, you just have to be willing to make certain changes in your lifestyle choices in order to get those abs that you want or those arms to be admired.  So keep up the hard workouts!  Believe me, those calories burnt and that muscular fatigue is all going to be worth it!  Just remember that this fitness game is a 24 hour, 7 day a week process.

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